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  • 留言者:时间:2022-5-18 0:13:09
    Hi I am contacting you on behalf of Giejo Magazine as has been chosen for a feature in our Spotlight section where we write about great entrepreneurs and their business stories with a view to inspiring others. Here you can get a flavour of the features: Please let me know at your earliest opportunity as we have a very short window for this feature. Many thanks Velma Giejo Magazine
  • 留言者:时间:2022-5-18 0:11:00
    I regret to inform you that after 30 years of successful operation, Nutritional Product International ( is closing down. Thank you for your custom and we wish you a successful year ahead. Best regards Nutritional Product International Corporate Address 150 E Palmetto Park Rd, STE 800 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Corporate Contact Phone (561) 544-0719 Fax (561) 892-5825
  • 留言者:时间:2022-5-14 20:19:45
    Hi My name is Walker Adey and I am writing to you from Krypted CBD I would be most appreciative if you and your team at could nominate our company to be featured in in this article for 2022: Regards Avida CBD Walker Adey United States, AL, Birmingham, 35203, 873 Turnpike Drive,
  • 留言者:时间:2022-5-11 20:43:18
    Good Afternoon I found on Instagram My name is Holley Squire and I am the affiliate manager at I am writing to invite to join JustCBD UK Affiliate Program. Unlock a steady stream of income by participating as an official affiliate with us. Our affiliates make 10% to 20% commission on each successful sale they refer to us. Each and every sale you refer is track and attributed to you, even if the visitor leaves and completes the sale at a later date. We make sure to meet and exceed industry averages on sales commissions. To read more and join the JustDelta Store Affiliate Program, visit We look forward to seeing you on-board. Warm Regards Holley Squire France, CENTRE, Sotteville-Les-Rouen, 76300, 22 Avenue Jules Ferry,
  • 留言者:时间:2022-4-19 10:34:45
  • 留言者:时间:2020-8-19 15:55:19
    福建昂牛集团位于素有“海上丝绸之路起点”美称的历史文化名城——泉州。泉州地处闽南金三角地带,海陆空交通便捷,经济发达,集团大厦座落于泉州市江南高科技电子信息产业园内,集团下属公司有:厦门市西特吉铁通电子有限公司、泉州市西特吉新材料有限公司、泉州市西特吉数字通信有限公司、厦门市西特吉半导体光电技术有限公司、成都西特吉电子科技有限公司。 历经数年风雨,集团已发展成为一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的企业。目前集团厂区建筑面积42880平方米;技术管理人员248人,其中教授13人,高级工程师147名,具有专业高级职称的88人;建立了装备齐全、设备优良的开发试验基地,拥有完善的质检机构和规范的管理体系,公司于2001年通过了ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系审核认证,2004年通过了ISO14000国际环境管理体系认证。公司技术力量雄厚,产品质量稳定,全体员工勇于拼搏,敢于创新,企业朝气蓬勃,发展前景良好。 在激烈的市场竞争中,企业致力于创新并引进国内外最先进的生产工艺技术,本着“科技提高品质、服务延伸品牌”的企业理念强化管理,树立自身的良好优势。始终坚持“做好每一个细节”的原则,把“客户满意”作为公司创品牌、创名牌工作的重心来落实。在实践中不断培养精于业务和富有创造性、进取心的队伍,共同缔造员工的幸福,塑造优秀企业文化,以发展中国民族产业为己任,创造新世纪中国企业的飞速发展之路。 集团始终以科学规划市场为前提、以产品质量为生命线,为向客户提供优质服务为经营理念,立足厦门,辐射全国,目前集团分别在全国31个省市设立了40多个办事处和100多个服务网点,建立了完善快捷的服务网络,将昻牛产品全面推向市场,倾心打造行业的知名品牌,以优质的服务和良好的信誉回报社会和客户。 05年集团引进美国著名的管理咨询服务公司—美国斯坦丁集团进驻企业,深层次推进企业管理和变革,以适应新的形势的竞争的需要,建设真正以市场为导向的企业,迈出了打造“百年昻牛”的坚实步伐。 昻牛集团在发展过程中,始终不忘企业对社会的责任,积极参与社会公益事业,回报社会的关心和支持,得到社会各届的一致好评。 “激情、创新、致远”是昻牛人一直坚持的理念,并将引导昻牛集团再创辉煌。